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This research investigates the fusion of architecture and sculpture art, leveraging digital fabrication and computational modeling techniques to push the boundaries of design processes. With a background in architectural studies and a specialization in digital fabrication and computational architecture, the researcher aims to bridge the gap between these disciplines and explore the potential for interdisciplinary collaboration.

The research focuses on developing innovative approaches for additive manufacturing (3D printing) and post-processing methods that empower designers to have greater control and creativity in the production process. By acquiring an in-depth understanding of post-processing techniques specific to additive manufacturing, the researcher aims to integrate construction instructions seamlessly into the design process, enabling immediate control over digital fabrication.

The study also emphasizes the importance of understanding the limitations and constraints of the 3D printing machine being used. By identifying and compensating for factors such as build volume, angular constraints, and toolpath intersections, the researcher aims to develop design strategies that leverage these constraints to achieve desired material characteristics and properties.

Through computational design methods and experimentation, the research seeks to explore the possibilities of material encoding and the creation of objects with unique characteristics, such as high stiffness with minimal material usage or deformable properties. The objective is to demonstrate how computational design techniques can enable the gradual transition between contrasting properties, resulting in innovative and customizable architectural and sculptural forms.

Overall, this research aims to contribute to the advancement of both architecture and sculpture art by integrating digital fabrication, computational modeling, and a deep understanding of post-processing techniques. By merging these disciplines, new avenues for creativity, control, and exploration within the design-to-production process can be unlocked, pushing the boundaries of artistic expression in the built environment.

Keywords: architecture, sculpture art, digital fabrication, computational modeling, additive manufacturing, post-processing techniques, interdisciplinary collaboration, design-to-production process, material characteristics, computational design methods.

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